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5 Great Real Estate or Home Resolutions and Goals

Every New year millions of people make resolutions that usually revolve around health, love, finances, and self-esteem. Some of those resolutions hit the spot and others will fall by the wayside. Today we have two challenges for you:

Challenge #1: Make your next series of resolutions about your home and home life!

Challenge #2: Make the resolutions now, even if it’s not around New Years Day.

Real Estate and Home Resolutions / Goals

The dictionary describes the word resolution as “firmness of purpose” and “resolving an action.” Take a look at the following real estate and home resolutions and start these resolutions – or your own – today. Be firm in your purpose to resolve these actions and as you do you will feel a tremendous sense of accomplishment.

Resolution #1: “I resolve to make extra mortgage payments this year.”
Just one single extra payment a year can make a surprisingly big financial impact.

Resolution #2: “I resolve to get organized this year.”
While decluttering is a popular New Year resolutions, knowing how to make it manageable is another story. If you resolve to simply spend 20 minutes a day decluttering and organizing, you’ll be shocked at the results after a few short months. 20 minutes a day is easy – you can do it!

Resolution #3: “I resolve to be more energy and water efficient.”
There are many ways to become more efficient when it comes to energy and water consumption. One way is to convert outdated household items with an eye to items that are more energy-efficient. Another is to work at cutting back. For example, get a shower head that allows you to “pause” the water flow while you lather up or shampoo your hair.

Resolution #4: “I resolve to save for a down payment.”
Even if you’re not yet in the market for a new home, one day you will be. By starting to save now, the process will be less stressful when you do begin the search.

Resolution #5: “I resolve to finish household maintenance chores I’ve been putting off.”
What better time than now to tackle some of thouse household maintenance chores like refurbishing the gutters or cleaning your roof. Create a checklist then finish it so that you can check off your resolution!

Start Today!

Let your “new year” start today for these resolutions or similar ones like new plumbing, repainting, nicer landscaping, or improving curb appeal. Whatever the resolution and goals they will increase the value of your home and your experience at home! And every time you finish a resolution, you will gain a sense of pride from your accomplishment.

And if you’re in the market for buying or selling a home then you may want to add one more resolution to your list:

“Call Darlene Streit at 505.920.8001.”


Enjoy a buying or selling process filled with ease, efficiency, and the depth of experience that only Darlene can provide. Call, text or email today.

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